Displaced threshold

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Displaced Threshold Definition

A Displaced Threshold refers to a specific point on a runway that is different from the designated start of the runway. In simpler terms, it is a section on the runway that should not be used for takeoff or landing purposes. The runway is designed to achieve a specific gradient so that planes can take off and land safely. However, there are times when an airline may need to use a runway that is too short, so the threshold is moved to another location.

The purpose of a Displaced Threshold is to provide a longer landing or takeoff distance for the aircraft. It is a tactic used by pilots to provide more space for them to maneuver the aircraft. The threshold may be displaced for a variety of reasons, including the presence of obstacles or terrain that could interfere with the approach or takeoff of the aircraft. Additionally, it may be implemented for noise abatement or to meet certain regulatory requirements.

It is important for pilots to adhere to the regulations set forth for the use of displaced thresholds. Taking off or landing too close to a threshold can be dangerous, and the incorrect use of this technique could lead to accidents. Therefore, pilots should always be aware of the location of the displaced threshold and plan accordingly to execute safe takeoffs and landings.

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