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Feathering refers to the process of adjusting the pitch of variable pitch propellers in such a way that the blades are aligned with the airflow and do not create air resistance. This is done to minimize the drag caused by the propellers and improve the overall efficiency of the aircraft.

In feathering, the pitch of the blades can be adjusted to increase or decrease the angle of attack, which in turn can affect the amount of lift generated by the propellers. By adjusting the pitch of the blades, pilots can control the amount of power and speed generated by the aircraft.

Feathering is usually done during takeoff and landing, where the aircraft requires maximum power and speed. During cruise, however, the pitch of the blades may be adjusted to reduce the power and speed of the aircraft to improve fuel efficiency and reduce noise.

Feathering is an important aspect of aircraft maintenance and safety. Proper feathering ensures that the aircraft operates smoothly and efficiently, reducing the risk of in-flight accidents and improving overall performance.

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