Ferry Flight

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What is a Ferry Flight?

A ferry flight is a type of flight that serves the purpose of relocating an aircraft without carrying any revenue passengers. This type of flight can be carried out for various reasons, such as returning an aircraft to base, delivering a new aircraft from the manufacturer to the purchaser, moving an aircraft from one operations base to another, or even just moving an aircraft for maintenance purposes.

Ferry flights are usually carried out between airports or airfields, and they can involve positioning aircraft for maintenance, moving aircraft to new customers, or just relocating empty aircraft from one place to another. The flights are often carried out by pilots who specialize in ferrying aircraft, and they require special knowledge and skills to ensure that the aircraft is moved safely and efficiently.

In summary, a ferry flight is a type of flight that involves the transportation of an aircraft without carrying any revenue passengers. These flights serve the purpose of relocating the aircraft for various reasons and are carried out by specialized pilots with the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure safe and efficient movement of the aircraft.

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