Flying Dirty

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Flying Dirty

Flying Dirty refers to a technique used by pilots during landing where they intentionally extend their aircraft’s extendable surfaces, like flaps and landing gear, to increase drag. This process slows down the plane and makes it easier to land. Despite the technique’s name, it is not actually against safety regulations.

This technique is often used in challenging weather conditions or when landing on shorter runways. Pilots carefully calculate the necessary drag to ensure a safe landing. Flying Dirty requires skill and careful attention as extending flaps and landing gear can also decrease the aircraft’s lift capacity and affect its stability and maneuverability.

Aviation experts stress the importance of pilots being aware of the limitations of their aircraft and avoid over-relying on this technique. While it can be effective, it should not be used as a primary way to navigate and land a plane. Experienced pilots have the ability to successfully use Flying Dirty, but it is not recommended for novice flyers.

In summary, Flying Dirty is when pilots extend an aircraft’s extendable surfaces to increase drag and slow down during landing. It is an effective technique but requires skill and careful attention to aircraft limitations.

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