Glide ratio

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Glide Ratio

Glide ratio is a measure of an aircraft’s ability to travel forward compared to the altitude it loses while descending without any power. This ratio is calculated by dividing the distance traveled forward by the distance lost in altitude. In simpler terms, the glide ratio is the distance an aircraft can move forward with the height it loses in the process.

A high glide ratio indicates that an aircraft can travel a longer distance for every unit of altitude lost, while a low glide ratio suggests that an aircraft will lose altitude at a faster rate than it can move forward. It is an important aspect for pilots to consider during flight planning and emergency situations when the plane may lose power and require gliding. The glide ratio varies from one aircraft to another depending on various factors such as the weight of the aircraft, the wing design, and the angle of attack. A good glide ratio is essential for a safe landing in emergency situations.

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