Definition of “Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)”
The Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) is an important flight navigation instrument that combines the heading indicator with a course deviation indicator (CDI) to help the pilot maintain situational awareness. It provides the pilot with a clear and concise representation of the aircraft’s position in relation to the desired course line.
The HSI typically consists of a compass rose and a vertical needle that represents the aircraft’s heading. The course deviation indicator is displayed as a horizontal bar that moves left or right based on the aircraft’s position with respect to the desired course. This provides accurate real-time information to the pilot on how much correction is needed to stay on course.
The HSI is especially useful in poor visibility conditions and complex airspace environments. It allows the pilot to easily interpret various navigation information, such as heading, track, ground speed, and course deviation, all at once. This instrument helps pilots to confidently navigate and maintain course in all kinds of flight conditions, making it an essential tool in modern aircraft operations.
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