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IAS – Indicated Airspeed

Indicated Airspeed, also known as IAS, refers to the air speed measurement that is directly taken from the airspeed indicator without applying any corrections for temperature or pressure. It indicates the speed at which an aircraft moves through the air mass.

IAS is displayed in knots and can be abbreviated to KIAS, which stands for Knots Indicated Airspeed. It is sourced from the pitot tube system, which is typically installed near the nose of the plane. The pitot tube senses the pressure of the incoming air, allowing for the IAS measurement to be calculated and displayed on the airspeed indicator.

Indicated Airspeed is an essential parameter for pilots during flight, as it ensures accurate information about the speed of the aircraft. It is used to determine the appropriate takeoff speed, landing approach speed, and cruise speed. Additionally, IAS is also used for various aircraft performance calculations, such as fuel consumption and range.

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