Instrument Flight Rules

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Definition of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)

IFR or Instrument Flight Rules refer to a set of specific rules and protocols that govern the conduct of flight under instrument meteorological conditions. These conditions are those in which a pilot cannot rely on external visual references in order to navigate the aircraft.

IFR allows pilots to plan, operate and navigate an aircraft safely while experiencing poor visibility, such as in low clouds, fog, and other types of weather conditions that affect visibility. In such conditions, pilots primarily rely on their instruments, such as altimeters, gyroscopes, navigation systems, and other instruments. IFR also helps pilots to stay on a predetermined course and avoid obstacles and other airborne traffic.

It is mandatory that pilots must be trained and certified to fly under IFR. The aviation authorities establish strict and clear regulations regarding this type of flying, ensuring that pilots who fly under these conditions possess proper technical skills and meet specific criteria regarding visibility and altitude.

Overall, Instrument Flight Rules facilitate safe and efficient air travel, regardless of the weather conditions. They allow pilots to operate aircraft with precision and confidence while ensuring the safety of passengers and crew.

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