Instrument flight rules (IFR)

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Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)

Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) refer to a set of rules and regulations established by the Federal Aviation Administration to govern flight in conditions where outside visual reference is not safe. During IFR flight, pilots rely on cockpit instruments to guide their aircraft and navigate via electronic signals.

IFR flight is usually required in adverse weather conditions, low visibility, or at night. It allows pilots to fly without relying on external landmarks, using GPS or other electronic navigation devices instead. This ensures that aircraft stay on course and maintain separation from other aircraft, thus ensuring safety in the skies.

Moreover, IFR flight rules require pilots to undergo rigorous training and certification processes based on instrument rating. This ensures that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate and communicate effectively, especially in challenging circumstances.

In summary, IFR is a standardized set of flight rules and regulations that ensure pilots safely navigate and communicate with one another while flying in conditions where outside visual reference is not safe.

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