Local area augmentation system (LAAS)

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Definition of local area augmentation system (LAAS)

Local area augmentation system (LAAS) is a high-precision aircraft navigation system that works with the global positioning system (GPS). It involves the use of differential GPS (DGPS) technology to identify and correct any position errors in the GPS signals transmitted to the aircraft receiver. The correction or error factors are transmitted to the airborne GPS receiver via a ground-based station, which enhances the accuracy of the system.

LAAS was designed to bridge the gap between GPS and instrument guidance systems, providing a much more precise navigation tool for use in all phases of flight, including approach and landing. Unlike GPS, which typically has an accuracy of within 100 meters, LAAS can provide accuracy within a few meters, making it ideal for use in highly congested, low-visibility airport conditions.

In summary, LAAS is a system that improves the accuracy of GPS technology, providing precise navigation capabilities for aircraft. It is an essential tool for modern air travel, ensuring accurate and safe navigation for pilots and passengers alike.

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