Locator outer marker (LOM)

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Locator Outer Marker (LOM)

A Locator Outer Marker (LOM) is a radio navigation aid that marks a specific location along the approach path to an airport. It is usually collocated with an Outer Marker (OM) and is sometimes referred to as an NDB compass locator.

The LOM emits a radio signal on a specific frequency that can be received by aircraft equipped with radio navigation equipment. This signal provides pilots with valuable information such as their distance from the airport, their altitude, and their position along the approach path.

The LOM is an important component of the instrument landing system (ILS) and helps pilots align their aircraft with the runway during the final approach. It is also used as a backup navigation aid in case other systems fail.

Overall, the LOM plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of flight operations by providing pilots with accurate and reliable navigation information.

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