Maximum zero fuel weight (GAMA)

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Definition of Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (GAMA)

Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (GAMA) refers to the maximum weight of an aircraft, excluding the usable fuel in the tanks. It is the total weight of the aircraft before fuel is added.

To put it simply, the maximum zero fuel weight is the weight limit that an aircraft can carry without any fuel in its tanks. It includes the weight of the aircraft structure, engines, seats, cargo, and other essentials. However, it excludes the weight of the fuel that the aircraft will carry during flight.

This weight limit is critical for the safety and performance of the aircraft during takeoff and landing. The pilot must ensure that the weight of the aircraft does not exceed its maximum zero fuel weight when calculating the load for a particular flight.

Knowing the maximum zero fuel weight is essential for airlines and aircraft manufacturers, as it helps them determine the aircraft’s payload capacity and design the aircraft’s structure accordingly. It also ensures that the aircraft is not overloaded, which can affect its aerodynamic performance and stability.

Therefore, it is crucial for pilots and airlines to calculate the maximum zero fuel weight accurately and take it into account when planning their flights. Failure to do so can result in serious safety hazards and damage to the aircraft.

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