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Definition of “Navaid

Navaid is an abbreviated term used in aviation for “Navigational Aid,” which refers to any form of instrument, equipment or facility that helps a pilot navigate during flight. It encompasses various forms of aids such as radio beacons, GPS, radar, and visual aids that improve the aircraft’s positional awareness, orientation, and overall safety.

A Navaid system can be located on the ground or in the air and provides pilots with accurate information regarding their position, track, altitude, distance, heading, and speed throughout the flight. These aids also play an essential role in routing and monitoring aircraft during takeoff, approach, and landing.

Navaids can be classified into two types; the radio navigational aids that use radio waves to determine positional information, and non-radio navigational aids such as visual markers and terrain features. Common examples of radio navigational aids include VOR, ILS, and GPS, whereas non-radio navigational aids include landmarks, water bodies, and natural terrain features.

In summary, Navaids are a critical component of aviation navigation equipment that assists pilots in navigating safely and efficiently. They provide vital information to pilots regarding their location and orientation, enabling them to make informed decisions that enhance the safety of the flight.

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