Nonprecision approach

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Definition of Nonprecision Approach

A Nonprecision approach is a standard instrument approach procedure used in aviation that provides only horizontal guidance to pilots. It is known as a nonprecision approach because the approach does not provide vertical guidance, unlike a precision approach.

In a Nonprecision approach, pilots must rely on their instruments to ensure a safe descent to the runway. The approach provides only lateral guidance, which guides the aircraft along a straight-line path to the runway. Pilots must also rely on their knowledge of the aircraft’s speed, altitude, and position to execute a successful landing.

The use of Nonprecision approaches is common in smaller airports and during inclement weather conditions when visibility is limited. Pilots must be trained and qualified to perform Nonprecision approaches and must follow strict procedures to ensure a safe landing.

In summary, a Nonprecision approach is an instrument approach procedure in which pilots use horizontal guidance to fly the plane along a straight-line path to the runway, without vertical guidance, to execute a safe landing.

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