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Definition of OBS

The Omnibearing Selector (OBS) is an instrument used in aviation that displays the aircraft’s position relative to a selected VOR (VHF omnidirectional range) station.

The OBS uses two radial pointers on a circular display to show the angle difference between the aircraft’s heading and the selected VOR station’s radial. It provides pilots with information about the aircraft’s position and direction relative to the VOR station, giving them a better understanding of their flight progress.

This instrument is critical for accurate navigation, and it is used by pilots to identify their position, make course corrections, and track progress along their flight path. The OBS helps pilots follow established flight paths, such as airways and instrument approach procedures, and is essential for navigating in low visibility conditions.

In summary, the OBS is a critical navigation instrument used in aviation that displays the aircraft’s position and direction relative to a selected VOR station, helping pilots accurately navigate and track their flight path.

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