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Definition of “OM

The term “OM” stands for Outer Marker, which is a navigational aid used in aviation. An Outer Marker is a radio beacon that emits a signal to indicate the approach of an aircraft to a particular runway. This signal is transmitted on a frequency that is specific to the runway and is picked up by the aircraft’s onboard instruments.

The Outer Marker is usually located around 4-7 miles (6-11 km) from the runway and is the furthest navigational aid from the runway. It is typically represented on aeronautical charts as a blue circle with a dot in the center.

The signal emitted by the Outer Marker is used by pilots to determine their altitude and distance from the runway. This information is critical during the landing phase of the aircraft as it allows the pilots to make appropriate adjustments to their approach path and time their final descent.

In addition to aiding in navigation during the landing phase, Outer Markers can also play a role in helping pilots identify the correct runway, particularly in conditions of poor visibility.

Overall, the Outer Marker is an important navigational aid that helps pilots operate safely and efficiently during the landing phase of an aircraft’s flight.

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