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Overshoot can be defined as the landing of an aircraft beyond the designated runway or touchdown zone. It happens when the pilot fails to execute the landing properly, resulting in the aircraft overshooting the runway or going past the end of the touchdown zone.

An overshoot can occur due to several reasons, including poor judgement, incorrect airspeed during approach, wind gusts, inexperience, or the failure of aircraft equipment or systems. An overshoot is an extremely dangerous situation for the aircraft and everyone on board, and it can result in severe damage to the aircraft or even fatalities.

To avoid overshoots, pilots are trained to follow proper landing procedures, maintain proper airspeed during approach, and be aware of wind and runway conditions. In addition, airports and regulatory bodies usually have strict guidelines and regulations in place to ensure safe landings and to prevent overshoots.

While overshoots are rare, they are a serious aviation safety concern and require constant vigilance and training to prevent them from happening. As such, all pilots and aviation personnel should remain aware of the potential for overshoots and take all necessary precautions to avoid them.

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