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PARPrecision Approach Radar

PAR stands for Precision Approach Radar, which is a ground-based radar system used to assist pilots during the landing phase. PAR provides the pilot with precise altitude and lateral guidance, as well as information about the aircraft’s position in relation to the centerline of the runway. This information is critical for pilots when navigating through low visibility conditions, such as fog or heavy rain.

The PAR system works by emitting a narrow beam of radio waves that reflects off the aircraft and returns to the radar. The radar then calculates the distance to the aircraft, its altitude, and its lateral position relative to the final approach path. This information is then displayed on a controller’s screen, who then relays it to the pilot through voice instructions.

PAR is commonly used in military operations, as well as in airports where fog or smog can significantly reduce visibility. It is a critical tool for ensuring the safety of both passengers and crew during landing, as it minimizes the risk of accidents due to poor visibility.

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