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Definition of “PIREP

PIREP, also known as Pilot Report or Pilot Weather Report, is a report made by a pilot to Air Traffic Control (ATC) during the flight or after landing, providing information about the actual weather conditions. This report is essential for ATC to have a clear understanding of the current weather conditions and provide accurate information to other pilots who are flying in the same area.

A PIREP contains various significant elements, such as the aircraft’s altitude, location, and the type of weather encountered. The weather conditions reported in a PIREP may include turbulence, icing, visibility, cloud base and ceiling, wind direction and speed, precipitation, and thunderstorms. The pilot’s description of the weather condition is useful to other pilots as it helps them assess if they need to change their route or adjust their altitude. Moreover, PIREPs also help meteorologists to track and provide more accurate weather forecasts.

Overall, PIREPs help increase the safety of the flight by providing real-time information about the weather conditions to ATC and other pilots, thus aiding in the decision-making process of pilots and ATC.

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