Precision runway monitor (PRM)

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Precision Runway Monitor (PRM) Definition

The Precision Runway Monitor (PRM) is a system designed to allow simultaneous and independent Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) approaches at airports with closely spaced parallel runways. This technology provides increased runway capacity and enhances the safety and efficiency of air traffic operations.

The PRM system uses advanced radar and communication technology to detect and monitor the position of aircraft as they approach and navigate the parallel runways. This allows air traffic controllers to manage the traffic flow more effectively, ensuring that aircraft maintain a safe distance from one another and avoid any potential collisions.

The PRM system is particularly useful in airports with high levels of air traffic, where the spacing between parallel runways is minimal. It helps to minimize delays and increase the overall capacity of the airport, which is critical to the smooth operation of air traffic.

In summary, the Precision Runway Monitor (PRM) enables safe, efficient, and simultaneous IFR approaches at airports with closely spaced parallel runways, enhancing the safety and capacity of air traffic operations.

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