Rabbit, the

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The Rabbit – A High-Intensity Flasher System for Airports

The Rabbit is a high-intensity flasher system that is installed at many large airports in order to improve visibility during approaches. The system consists of a series of brilliant blue-white bursts of light that flash in sequence along the approach lights, creating the effect of a ball of light traveling towards the runway.

The Rabbit system is designed to enhance visibility both for pilots and air traffic controllers. Pilots rely on visual cues during landings and takeoffs, and the Rabbit system provides bright and distinctive signals that guide the pilot towards the runway. The system is particularly useful in low-visibility conditions such as fog or rain, and it is often used in conjunction with other navigation aids to ensure safe landings.

The Rabbit system is also useful for air traffic controllers, who can monitor the flashing lights to ensure that planes are following the correct approach path. The system can be configured to flash at different rates depending on the angle of approach, providing valuable information to controllers about each aircraft’s trajectory.

Overall, the Rabbit system is a vital safety feature at many airports around the world. By providing distinctive and easily recognizable visual signals to pilots and controllers, it helps ensure that planes can land safely and efficiently even in challenging weather conditions.

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