Runway visual range (RVR)

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Definition of Runway Visual Range (RVR)

Runway Visual Range (RVR) is a term used in aviation to refer to the distance a pilot ought to see along the runway’s length, starting from the approach end of the runway. The range is determined by using instruments to measure the distance a pilot should be able to see down the runway based on the sighting of high-intensity runway lights or the visual contrast of other objects.

The RVR measurement is stated in feet (ft) or meters (m), indicating the horizontal distance that pilots, when positioned on the center line of a runway, can see its surface markings or runway lights. This measurement is essential because it helps pilots determine whether the airport conditions meet the required visual criteria for safe takeoff and landing during hours of reduced visibility, such as those caused by fog, rain, or snow.

The RVR measurement is critically important in ensuring the safety of planes and passengers. Inaccurate measurements or slight deviations from the recommended RVR can jeopardize the safe takeoff and landing of aircraft. Therefore, pilots must accurately calculate the RVR and ensure they do not attempt takeoff or landing if the visibility is below the recommended range.

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