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RVR (Runway Visual Range)

RVR, also known as Runway Visual Range, is a measurement of the distance that a pilot can see down the runway during landing or takeoff in low visibility conditions. It indicates the distance between the aircraft and the runway markings or lights that are visible to the pilot.

RVR is an important safety measure for pilots, as it can determine the visibility conditions in which they are allowed to take off or land an aircraft. The RVR is measured in feet or meters and is determined by a device called a transmissometer that sends a light beam across the runway to measure the amount of light that passes through the atmosphere.

RVR is typically reported by air traffic controllers to pilots in the form of a numerical value that describes the distance in feet or meters at which the runway markings or lights are visible to the pilot. Depending on the airport, different RVR minimums may be required for landing or takeoff.

In summary, RVR is a critical measurement that allows pilots to make informed decisions during low visibility conditions and ensures the safe operation of aircraft on the runway.

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