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STAR – Standard Terminal Arrival Route

A STAR (Standard Terminal Arrival Route) is a pre-determined flight path used by aircraft to navigate from the en route phase of a flight to the approach phase. It is a published course that links the end of an airway or specific fix to a point from which an approach can be made for a landing. The STAR is designed to provide a smooth and controlled descent, particularly in busy airspace.

The use of a STAR ensures safe and efficient management of air traffic, as it allows controllers to properly sequence and space arriving aircraft. It provides pilots and air traffic controllers with a common navigational reference and helps ensure that each flight follows the same procedures. The specific design of a STAR is determined by a combination of criteria, including safety, airspace restrictions, and terrain.

Due to the complexity of air traffic management in busy airports, STARs also help to reduce pilots’ workload by simplifying the routing process. This allows pilots to focus on other important tasks, such as communicating with air traffic controllers and preparing for the next phase of flight. Overall, a STAR is a crucial component of safe and efficient air traffic management.

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