Stepdown fix

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Definition of “Stepdown fix

A “Stepdown fix” is a designated location on an Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) where an aircraft is allowed to initiate a descent to a lower altitude or a lower Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) during a specific segment of the approach. It is the point where additional descent is permitted within the particular segment of the IAP. It is a critical point during the approach as it allows the pilot to descend further towards the landing runway while maintaining a safe altitude above terrain obstacles and other obstructions. Accurately identifying the “Stepdown fix” is crucial for a successful approach and landing. It is typically depicted on the approach chart with a symbol and altitude value, and its location can vary depending on the type of approach and the airport’s geographical configuration. Overall, the “Stepdown fix” is a vital element of an IAP, ensuring that aircraft can safely descend to the appropriate altitude and approach the runway with precision.

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