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Definition of “Threshold

The threshold of a runway is the designated starting point of the portion of the runway that is suitable for landing. This is the first part of the runway that an aircraft can legally touch down on during landing. The threshold is usually marked with distinctive markings, such as a line of white paint or a series of lights, in order to indicate to pilots the exact starting point.

The length of the threshold can vary depending on the runway’s size and the aircraft using it. However, it is always located at the same point on the runway, regardless of the length of the landing strip. The threshold is an important part of the runway because it helps pilots to determine when it is safe and appropriate to start the landing process.

Overall, the threshold plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of flights during the landing phase. By designating a specific area of the runway for landing, the threshold helps pilots to make accurate decisions about their approach and landing, while also minimizing the risk of collisions or other accidents during the landing process.

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