touchdown zone (TDZ)

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What is the Touchdown Zone (TDZ)?

The Touchdown Zone (TDZ) is the area of the runway where an aircraft should touch down during landing. It is located at the beginning of the runway and covers the first 3000 feet or the first third of the runway, whichever is less, measured from the threshold.

The TDZ is a crucial part of the landing process because it provides pilots with a specific target to aim for when approaching the runway. It is also important to note that the TDZ is designed to help reduce the risk of runway overrun accidents by giving pilots a clear reference point from which to judge their approach.

Furthermore, the TDZ is typically marked with large white rectangles known as touchdown zone markings. These markings serve as a visual aid for pilots, indicating where they should aim to touchdown on the runway.

In summary, the Touchdown Zone (TDZ) is an essential part of the runway where aircraft should touch down during landing. It is a critical reference point for pilots, marked with white rectangles to reduce the risk of runway overrun accidents.

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