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VLO definition

VLO stands for “Velocity Landing Gear Operating.” It refers to the maximum speed at which a pilot is allowed to operate the landing gear on an airplane equipped with retractable landing gear. This speed limit is important to ensure the safe and proper operation of the landing gear during takeoff and landing procedures.

The VLO speed is determined by the aircraft manufacturer and is included in the aircraft’s operating manual. It is important that pilots follow this limit to prevent damage to the landing gear and ensure a safe landing. Operating the landing gear beyond the VLO speed can cause excessive stress on the landing gear and may result in failure or damage.

The VLO speed is also important during emergency situations when the landing gear may need to be extended quickly. Pilots need to be aware of the maximum speed at which the landing gear can be extended to ensure a safe landing.

In summary, the VLO speed is a critical operational limit for aircraft equipped with retractable landing gear. Pilots must adhere to this speed to ensure safe operations and prevent damage to the landing gear.

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