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Airfoil is a surface, such as a wing, blade, turbine, rotor, propeller, rudder, or even a trim tab, designed to generate lift or aerodynamic force when it interacts with a moving stream of air. The shape of an airfoil is carefully crafted to create the necessary lift to enable flight or other aerodynamic functions. The cross-sectional shapes created by wings, rotors, turbines, and blades when the aircraft lifts play a significant role in the airfoil’s performance. Moreover, airfoils are not limited to aircraft and can be found in various engineering applications, including wind turbines, hydrofoils, and car spoilers. The key to an airfoil’s successful performance lies in its ability to create lift while minimizing drag, and many factors, such as shape, angle of attack, and surface finish, contribute to this complex aerodynamic process. Therefore, airfoil design is a crucial aspect of aerospace engineering, and extensive research is conducted to optimize airfoils’ performance.

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