Visual descent point (VDP)

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Visual Descent Point (VDP)

A Visual Descent Point (VDP) is a designated point on the final approach course of a nonprecision straight-in approach procedure. This point represents the location from which the aircraft can begin a normal descent to reach the runway touchdown point, as long as the pilot has clear visibility of the runway environment.

The VDP is typically identified as a specific distance from the runway or as a particular altitude above the runway. This critical point is calculated during flight planning by taking into account the aircraft’s approach speed, descent rate, and height above the ground.

The VDP is a critical element in nonprecision approaches, as it provides the pilot with a quantifiable reference point to initiate the final descent towards the touchdown point. By utilizing the VDP, pilots can ensure that they are correctly positioned to make a safe landing during nonprecision approaches.

It is essential that pilots have a clear understanding of the VDP and its location during nonprecision approaches. Failure to adhere to the proper descent profile from the VDP could result in an unsafe landing or potential runway overshoot. Therefore, pilots must be proficient in identifying the VDP and know when to initiate the final descent to attain a safe landing.

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